The installation of electric chain hoist requires I-shaped steel

The electric chain hoist can be hung on the load-bearing beam at the same time for stable use.also can add a sports car to be placed on the rail of the I-shaped steel.

Pay attention to the installation requirements of I-beam while installing the electric hoist.

During installation, the flange plate on the I-shaped steel guide rail is generally connected to the lower flange with bolts and nuts and construction facilities for the wheels of the electric chain hoist to travel.

1.Choose the I-beam with the appropriate specifications for the electric hoist.

The specifications of the I-shaped steel guide rails used in each type of electric chain hoist require a corresponding category. It is indicated on the main specifications of the product. I-beams outside this range cannot be used. Because they cannot reach the range, the flange plate is too narrow; the wheels of the electric chain hoist will fall off the guide rails. Derailed, causing problems.

2.Confirm the reasonable installation height

When the electric chain hoist is used in the factory to make heavy vehicles, there must be sufficient distance between the beams of the construction facilities in the factory and the road surface.

This spacing includes:

①. The high degree of I-shaped steel guide rail.

②. Lifting hoist height H, that is, after the electric chain hoist is assembled on the I-shaped steel guide rail, the distance between the lower end of the electric chain hoist lifting hook and the bottom edge of the I-shaped steel guide rail. This distance can be queried on the product sample. , Generally 1~5 tons electric chain hoist, H=685~1031mm.

③. The high degree of hoisting objects.

④. The height of the sling when hoisting objects. Generally half of the distance between hoisting objects.

⑤. When hoisting an object, keep the object above the ground. If you want to surpass the obstacle, it must be 0.5 meters higher than the obstacle.

⑥. When hoisting the object to the high part, there must be a limited distance from the position of the lifting hook to the lower end of the electric chain hoist lifting hook to prevent problems. The distance should exceed 0.5 meters.

If the distance between the beams of the construction facilities in the factory area and the road surface is lower than the total of each of the above-mentioned heights, the use of electric chain hoists will be jeopardized. Therefore, sufficient attention must be paid.

Post time: Nov-23-2021